
Brian's Prenuvo Story

Brian learned of Prenuvo from a fellow firefighter who had a scan done. After 22 years on the job, he had been exposed to many hazards and wanted to get things checked out. His wife Nicole had a family history of stomach and ovarian cancer. The couple decided to book a scan at the same time. They made a date out of it, treating themselves to a nice lunch afterwards. Several weeks later, they both received their results. Brian found comfort in the fact that his findings were very minor. He showed a swollen spleen, which he has previously been aware of, as well as some wear and tear of his shoulders and knees that he’d sustained while working in the field. His wife had some ovarian cysts and otherwise minor results. 

Brian loved the ease of being able to log onto the Prenuvo app to pull up his report. He appreciated the color coding of the results, highlighting the fact that seeing the majority of his findings in green gave him great peace of mind that there was nothing to worry about. Having a moderate concern highlighted in yellow alerted him to a finding he should follow up with his doctor about. He went over the results with one of Prenuvo’s nurse practitioners, further assuring him that he was in good health. The couple, who admittedly went into the scan nervous about what might manifest from their histories, felt “a big relief” upon seeing their results and are extremely grateful for the peace of mind Prenuvo has provided them. 

Thank you Brian for sharing your Prenuvo story.

“It was a big relief. And we’ll definitely be going back.”
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